F.F. John’s “The Paragon”
Welcome to this week’s book review. If you’ve been reading my reviews from the beginning you’ll note this is the third installment of the Nome Chronicles. Onto this week’s book review.
If the Purusal was about Love and the Paladin is about forgiveness then Paragon is about two things—Strength and Peace. These two themes are thrust of this book. What is strength? Is it Neith’s ability to destroy what’s shattered her world or is it Inver’s ability to see violence isn’t the answer and to stand for peace? This leads to the other theme, what is peace? Is it found in war or diplomatic relations? Neith starts at war ending in peace where Inver stands for peace. John’s amazing standard of gripping, compelling, and engrossing work is something all readers should enjoy. Find out what strength and peace are in Paragon.
F.F. John’s first series the Nome Chronicles is finished with this book. Her next series out this year is Legionborn. You can find her books on her website here: https://ffjohn.com or on her Amazon page: https://www.amazon.com/F.-F.-John/e/B06Y4Z5DPR or her Goodreads page here: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/16612509.F_F_John or Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/FFJohnwrites .
Next Thursday’s book is the long waited Eclipse of the Sun the second book of Inoki’s Game by I.A. Ashcroft. I’m looking forward to reading and reviewing this book. See you next week!