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The Proposal

Tomorrow's Valentine's Day. We thought what better way to show our reader's love than to give them a love scene (note love scene not sex.). The up coming scene happens three years before Flowers and Bones, between Constantine Hywel (Cat's son) and Tick Tock. Enjoy!

February 14th, 2009

Tick Tock knew from experience when Constantine Hywel’s eyes shimmered like open abalone shells in sunlight, there was trouble a foot—trouble meaning he, Tick Tock, would end up in an embarrassing situation. On the other hand, he would follow his boyfriend into the depths of the hells, if need be. So when he got a “come with me” from the other man, he agreed.

Constantine took him to a high-end tailor. On the way, he explained wanted to formally introduce Tick Tock to his family. Tick Tock was uncomfortable with the whole idea. Despite being low-key, the Hywels did have certain expectations and Constantine wanted to make sure he was set to make the right impression.

Tick Tock sighed as the tailor took his measurements. “Are you sure this is necessary? Your family does know me.” Chalk scent the air.

“Yes, but you’re not coming as my hunting partner.” The smile gracing Constantine’s face made his heart flutter. “You’re coming as my boyfriend.” The abalone blue eyes glimmered in the light the other man walked over to him. Constantine leaned over and kissed him, tasting like champagne and chocolate. “Besides beloved, you are beautiful; I need to show you off.”

Tick Tock was sure his face was as red as his Hunter’s jacket as he tried to remember to breathe. It was warming to think a man who could have anyone he wanted, would want him.

The clothes didn’t take long to make. Tick Tock’s trousers were heather grey with a matching blazer, the shirt was his favorite ruby color in sateen, with the tie done in silver and red roses. He glanced up at Constantine. His heart stopped.

Constantine was in a midnight black suit with a brilliant green shirt. His Mahogany colored hair was held back by a silver and ruby hair clasp. Walking over to him, Constantine bushed his hair back into a tail and securing it with a sliver and emerald clasp. “There you go, beloved. You are now beyond beautiful and are angelic.” In this moment, Tick Tock was sure this man would be the only person he would ever love.


In the limo on the way to his parents’ home, Constantine angled his body closer to Tick Tock. His stomach fluttered in anticipation at the scent of Tick Tock’s personal scent and musky pine. Everything should be set. His twitching foot caught Tick Tock’s attention.

“You alright?” Tick Tock flicked his gorgeous silver eyes at him.

He reached to caress Tick Tock’s cheek. “I’m happy.” He gazed into his boyfriend’s eyes. Boyfriend, not something I thought I would ever have…but then again I want to add the words fiancée and husband. Constantine leaned over to kiss Tick Tock’s soft lips.

When they came up for air, the limo stopped. The driver got out and opened the door for them. Constantine slid out first then moved enough for Tick Tock get out behind him. Turning towards Tick Tock, Constantine pulled a blindfold from his pocket. “I know, I said this would be with my family, and it will be later.” He paused at Tick Tock’s raised eyebrow. “I want to share a special time with you first.” He lifted the blindfold. “May I?”

Tick Tock stared at him, before nodding. Grinning, Constantine leaned over to cover his boyfriend’s lips. A shiver went through both of their bodies. Pulling back, he wrapped the blindfold over Tick Tock’s eyes. Gently, he led his boyfriend to the back garden gazebo. The neoclassical structure had an intimate supper laid out on a bistro table.

Guiding, Tick Tock to a padded chair, he pulled off the blindfold. I’m glad the spells I asked to be put up are working or this would be chilly. Candlelight shimmered mixing with the scent of heirloom roses set around the gazebo. Tick Tock’s eyes went wide and his face took on a radiant glow.

They ate slowly with lingering touches and longing looks. “Desert is going to be in the house.” When they stood, Constantine added, “Before we leave, one more thing.” He dropped gracefully to the floor. Tick Tock’s hand flew up to his mouth. “Will you do me the honor of being my husband?”

Joy suffused Tick Tock’s face while he nodded. He grinned, standing he pulled Tick Tock to him sliding a simple band onto his left hand. For our wedding, I’ll get us something more subtle as our symbol union. He then pulled him into a passionate kiss. I get to spend the rest of my life with this wonderful, sexy, man. I can’t wait to start our lives together.

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