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Christmas Present 4

Do you wonder what happened after Demons Among Us? Well, here's a hint. Enjoy!

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Bryce knelt by the hearth lighting the fire manually instead of using his magic. Standing, he glanced about the elegantly decorated room and allowed a smile to grace his features. Elegant, old fashioned, beautiful, the Yule Tide décor adequately described his new love too. The soft clipping of her heels on the spiral stairs turned his attention to the person engulfing his thoughts.

His gaze took in the modernized Victorian style dress with all of its festive contour. “You’re a vision more beautiful than any other.” Crossing the room, he bowed and kissed the back of her gloved hand.

A pale blush coloured her cheeks as she followed him into the room. “You’ve always known how to make a woman feel like a lady.”

Placing a hand on her waist, he began to guide her around the room in beat to the holiday music wafting from the Victrola. “You’ve always been lady.”

“As always, you’re too kind.” As the music slowed, she laid her head on his shoulder. “Where are the others? I thought we were all going out.”

“Yeah.” His voice dropped and he rested his cheek against her head as they danced. “After last year, Dev was having flashbacks worse than I do. I sent him, Leilah, and Ginny to my beach house in Southern Italy. I had the staff there tone everything down and prepare for their arrival. Since her injuries, Leilah’s been having issues dealing with the lights, and the festivities that she used to love.”

“I’m so sorry.”

He kissed her head. “Me too. But we’ll continue doing what we can for them.” Stepping back, he made eye contact with her. “We have to do what we can for us too.” His pause stretched on as he looked around the room. “Instead of going out, especially with how last year went, I was wanting to stay in. Just you and I, quite music, maybe reading some old holiday poems and stories.”

She closed the gap he had put between them. “Sounds perfect, except for one thing.”

A laugh passed his lips and he pulled her closer. “Selena let me borrow her personal chef while she’s away with Garrett, so we won’t starve. Leilah, Dev, Ginny, they’ll be back after New Years. They’re safe, that’s what matters. The others, like the rest of, they’re still adjusting to the way things are now. Hopefully we’ll all get together next year. Did I miss anything?” He settled on the old sofa dragging her into his lap.

She giggled, a sound of soft fairy bells. Nestling against him she watched the old chef set a laden silver serving tray on the end table. “Shouldn’t Matias be able to celebrate with his family?”

It was the old man’s turn to chuckle. “Selena and her cohort, including your gentleman here, are the only family I have. It would break an old man’s heart to not be with at least one of them for the holiday.”

She knit her brows together and inhaled the rich scents around them. “You don’t have your own family?” Bryce held her tighter. Knowing what was going to follow, he rested his head against hers.

Matias joined them, settling in a chair opposite the fire place. “My dear lady Katalin, the first Christmas I remember I was a child at Auschwitz, my family had been torn apart, my father had just been killed. I made the decision then and there, I would never have a family.” His eyes never left the couple as Bryce wiped a tear from her cheek. “In my old age, I realized I do have a family, just not a conventional one. And with all my memories, seeing to young ones as happy and in love as the two of you, it gives me faith that there can one day be peace on earth and goodwill to all.”

“Your story’s both beautiful and heart wrenching, Matias.” Cat spoke softly, never lifting her head from Bryce’s shoulder.

Still holding her, Bryce leaned forward handing the older man and ancient book. “You’re part of the family and always will be.” The music faded into silence. “Read to us, like you used to for Selena and I when we were dating.” He nudged Cat gently. “On Christmas eve, Matias would always read one, or several, of the old Christmas stories to us. I remember we’d always protest. We we’re kids, we didn’t need to be read to.” He returned his attention to the old survivor. “Now I long for the magic that we always felt. The joy. The innocence. The laughter. The love.” He indicated the book. “Would you please?”

The old man’s eyes glistened with the gratitude of one who often felt forgotten who was just reminded how worthy and loved they truly were. “A first edition of ‘The Christmas Carol in Prose: Being a Ghost Story of Christmas’, impressive.” Matias opened the book with a loving care. Turning the first brittle pages, he began to read in his somber voice. “Marley was, to begin with…” His voice carried around the cozy room, the fire in the fireplace and candles on the tree flickered the only light around the room. Bryce held Cat as they curled on the sofa listening, sipping the tea he had brought them. “…and it was always said of him, that he knew how to keep Christmas well, if any man alive possessed the knowledge. May that be truly said of us, and all of us! And so, as Tiny Tim observed, God bless Us, Every One!”

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