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Christmas Present 2

Welcome present number two. This is a scene that takes place before Demons Among Us and the forthcoming Flowers and Bones. Bryce is home from his first deployment. Enjoy the scene!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Bryce Wilkes III silently entered the stately manor. The glowing numbers on his watch indicated the time, 02:00. He frowned, his eyes adjusted to the darkness found no sign of the festivities of the Yule holiday. He dropped his utility pack in the corner as he haunted the dark halls for some sign of love or life. Avoiding the creaking board in the hallway of the third floor, he edged a room door open with the skill of a man used to expecting IEDs in the most mundane places. A sad smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. His baby sister, Lexie, the one person he truly wanted to see while on leave, rolled over without waking. His thoughts drifted. To his girlfriend who would stop by later today, to the naked mantle and lack of Yule gifts and cheer his ever-effervescent sister would wake to, even to the family staff who would be working on this festive holiday to keep his family in comfort.

With a sigh, he pulled the door shut as quietly as he opened it and retreated to the great room. His family rarely used this room. In fact, his last memory of them being together in it was the year before Lexie was born, the year his father had given him a fluffy black and white collie puppy against his mother’s wishes, the year his father died.

Fingers caressed the elegant carving on the mantle as he thought. In his world, while magic was a reality, miracles seldom happened. “What do you say, Chandler?” He addressed his old dog, well past his prime, who had been at his side since he entered the home. “You want to help me make a miracle happen for at least one person tonight?” The old dog’s fluffy tail waved at his master’s acknowledgment. Calloused fingers caressed the silky ears. “Mum been treating you and Lex alright?” The tail waved faster, and the warm tongue flicked against his face. “Good. Let’s get to work, mate. Let’s pull together a true Yule celebration for Lex and the staff.” Front paws patted the ground in an excited, puppy-like response he hadn’t seen from the dog in years.

For several hours he worked, Chandler his constant shadow. Stringing lights, hanging garland wrapping gifts, but he never forgot the most important part; setting up and decorating the tree. At 05:00, Silas, his family’s elderly, black butler, entered the room still in his dressing gown. Bryce’s faces split with a genuine smile as his eyes took in the old man.

“Happy Christmas and welcome home master Bryce.” The two men embraced, more father and son versus master and servant. “It’ll be good to have you home for the holidays.”

“And a festive Yule to you. It’s good to be home, my friend.” He paused as he ruffled his old dog’s ears again. “Where’s Mum?”

“Spending the holiday on a ski trip with her latest conquest.” Sadness darkened the old man’s eyes. “She gave orders we weren’t to decorate, or celebrate while she was gone. It was just supposed to be just another day.”

Bryce frowned. “Then it’s good I’m home. At least while she’s gone, I’m in charge.” He patted the old man’s arm. “It’s Yule. Let’s act like we all have something to celebrate.”

Silas grinned. “As you say, sir.”

Thirty minutes later, Bryce had a crackling fire in the hearth as he and his new girlfriend Miranda, the field medic who saved his life a few months ago, curled together against the sofa.

The early hour, sipping warm tea, his girl and his dog by his side; there were only a few things missing that would make this picture perfect for him. As it was, sometime this afternoon he would be introducing Miranda to the rest of his crew. If she could survive the gauntlet of childhood friends, she could handle anything. But there were some truly important things missing as, Silas sat a tray next to them.

He placed a hand on the old man’s arm. “Sit with us.” Uncurling himself, he stood so he could look the man in the eye as he spoke. “You’ve been a part of my family for as long as I can remember. You’ve been father, brother, grandfather, and friend to both myself and Lexie. Today, you’re not servant, not a butler, today, you’re family, and I want to act and feel like it.” He guided the old man to his father’s chair by the fire. “Sit and warm yourself. As soon as Lex is up, we pass out gifts.”

Silas planted a fatherly kiss on Bryce’s forehead. “Then at least allow me to retrieve the presents I have for you and your sister, though you being home is the best gift any of us could receive. I was afraid I would have to send yours after the holiday, and give Lexie hers in secret.”

“Of course.” He watched his old friend and mentor leave before heading back to his spot between Miranda and Chandler. But he never made it. A high-pitched squeal pierced the air and the wind was knocked out of him as arms flew around his waist. He enveloped her in a hug just as fierce. “Festive Yule, Lexie. I’ve missed you.”

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