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Christmas Present 1

Merry Christmas, Happy Yule, and Happy Hanukkah! Today is the start of Christmas gifts for you our readers. Today is gift is Tick Tock and Constantine's first Christmas as a couple. Later this week will be a Hywel Family Christmas. Enjoy your gift!

December 24th, 2009

Snow danced around Tick Tock while he made his way through the large crowds to the Hunter’s Association storefront in the Clockwork Magical Community. The buildings were clothed in greenery, holly, and mistletoe. Calls of pedestrians varied from “Happy Yule” to “Happy Hanukkah” to “Merry Christmas.” A small smile graced his face.

The bags he carried held last minute presents for the mid-winter celebration. Going into the storefront, Tick Tock handed Lana a small present. She grinned at him waving him through the portal. Like stepping through the mirror out of the Alice stories. The main portal chamber full of ostentatious and presumptions of class caused him to snort. Wealth doesn’t equal having class neither does showing off. Holiday decorations were kept to personal quarters or hallways where people were friendly with each other. Of course, an almost empty hallway means we could decorate but what would be the point.

Tick Tock opened the door to his family’s assigned quarters for the last century and a half. Walking in, he paused at the vision in front of him and his mind stuttered. Constantine humming Christmas carols, draped a pine bough over the mantel. Other boughs hung around the upper part of the walls decorated with snowflakes; Thor’s hammer, clock, and praying hand ornaments were scattered through the boughs. A small tree was also decorated with candles glowing in the branches.

“You’re here?” He asked, managing to get his mind reengaged.

Constantine turned, his shimmering blue eyes brightened. “Hello, Beloved.” He tilted his head causing his Mahogany colored hair to reveal auburn highlights. “Why wouldn’t I be here?”

Tick Tock shifted his weight before putting the presents down then closed door. He turned slowly back towards his husband of six months. Words formed a lump in his throat. It took a moment for him to press them out. “I thought this was family time and you would be spending it with your family.” His head dropped.

Arms wrapped around him. A sense of warmth and security swirled around his soul. “You are my husband, Tick.” Constantine murmured into his hair. “We are spending today together, and tomorrow with my family.” A hand slid up to his chin to gently tug his head up.

Tick Tock met the shimmering blue gaze. His breath stilled and his heart stuttered at the amount of love filling the look. “That means I want to spend time with you…” Constantine trailed off, leaning down capturing his lips. The kiss full of words and emotions, when Constantine pulled back, Tick Tock remembered, yes, he had lungs and they were used for breathing. A dazzling smile graced his husband’s face. “When I married you, you became family. I love you. Let me show you how much?”

He nodded tangling his fingers with Constantines’. The blue of his husbands’ eyes blurred the line of dark and light as he pulled Tick Tock towards the bedroom. His heart sped up in anticipation. A love filled Yule is a blessing!

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