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Welcome to this week’s blog post. This is the last installment of the major organizations of our world. After this week’s post, we’ll be discussing how you our readers can help us out by beta reading and receiving an Advance Reader Copy. Each topic will be discussed on its own. Now onto this week’s post.

In last week’s post, we mentioned Intelligence began as a part of The Agency. It broke off in the mid-1800s. They split off the Agency because the disparity between what Intel agents gave to the higher ups and what the field agents received. This proved to be deadly to field agents. It took some time but by the early 1900s, Intelligence became a worldwide organization and disseminated gather information to all other organizations. They gather intelligence in a variety of ways from pillow talk to interrogation to deep undercover work. To explore this part we’ll be taking a look at several Intel agents.

The first agent is Harbinger, also known as Dietrich Kilburn who is an agent who is part of three different organizations; Intelligence, The Society and the Hunter’s Association. He’s introduced in Flowers and Bones (forthcoming) to Rosalind MacBeth. Ultimately, he’s a paper shuffler. The Intel field agents file their reports and he’s one of the people who determines which organization it goes to. He also attends trials the populace held by the Society to ensure as much fairness as possible. Harbinger joined Intel as at around sixteen along with several other youths. Among those are TC, Kohl, Tokkan, and Cass.

TC is first mentioned in Demons Among Us as one of Cat’s former lovers. He was twelve when he was recruited by Intel and quickly excelled as a field agent. His preferred method of gathering information involves psychological torture.

Kohl, was TC’s husband and yet another lover of Cat’s. Like TC, he was recruited as a preteen. As a field agent, his gentle nature lent him to be able to connect with those he gathered the information from. Whenever possible, he talked his way through things.

Finally, we would have Tokkan and Cass. Tokkan was found by Kohl and TC as a homeless infant and raised by the two boys. She was six when she was recruited. Cass was seventeen when she joined and was also a part of the same group of street kids. Both Tokkan and Cass tend to use sex to gain the information they require.

Now we come to Katalin O’Shea, aka Cat. As a freelancer, she frequently teams up with other organizations. In Demons Among Us, she teams up with Bryce’s team and the Agency. In her past, she frequently worked with Intel, especially after meeting the aforementioned agents. Her involvement varied dependant on a case-by-case basis. Sometimes she would join Cass and Tokken, others she served as backup and extraction or served as whatever was needed.

There will be more coming up with this group in Angel’s Hearts and Demon’s Wings, Defeated Demons, and Demons within Me forthcoming books exploring this group’s dynamics. These books also deal with the merging of the Hunter’s Association pair from Flowers and Bones (forthcoming) and Demons Among Us team. We hope you enjoyed our peek into the organizations of our world. Remember to join us next week for how you can help us.

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